Monday, January 30, 2012

It's Raining Cats

My parents have a lot of cats.... a "herd", to be exact! ;-) There aren't any small kittens (right now anyway!), but some really cute & sweet teenage ones. Also several that are about a year old. Lots of color variety... and they all have great personalities! Good mousers too. :-)
Please drop a comment if you or someone you know is interested. Could meet near Rolla for pickup!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

King of the Bed

Joel took this picture a few weeks ago! Evan is such a huge part of our life, and we grow to love his personality and sweet self more each day.

Friday, January 27, 2012

I just thought this was too adorable and had to share it with y'all! Mommy otter showing off her baby!

My little cowboy trying on hats at Family Center. This was Daddy's idea!

My buddy.

And I have to say what an AMAZING husband and father Joel is! He deserves some kind of award or prize... instead he just gets me and Evan. ;-) Seriously, he really is the best!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Sadly, the runt puppy (Tiny Tim) didn't make it through the night. :'(
I'm happy to say, though, that the other 7 are doing very well and Mama Payson is taking great care of them!
I will post pictures soon!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Our sweet Shih-Tzu, Payson, gave birth to 8 adorable puppies this morning in our living room! I will post pictures later. They're all still getting adjusted and settling in! =) Life if never dull around here.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Random Thought

"I want a hedgehog. Badly. Have you seen how cute those little guys are? For real?!"

Friday, January 13, 2012

Lately on Pinterest

I made these the other day, and boy are they yummy! Joel ate three at one sitting, I believe. ;-)

Humor for the day!

So very true! I am trying to keep this in mind for the new year.

I think for some people this really is an issue.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Baby Boy

Merry Christmas!!

Crazy about my baby boy!

Love that big grin!!