Saturday, November 24, 2012

Our Little Family

We recently had a picture session with one of our friends! She did a wonderful job capturing us. More pictures soon to follow!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Thanksgiving '12

Thankful most this year for the ability to love & be loved. We owe it all to our gracious Savior! 
Happy Thanksgiving, friends. Have a wonderfully joyous holiday!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Looking Back

As I am all excited about the holiday season & busy preparing for family gatherings, I can't help but pause every now and then to reflect on where I was at this time last year, and all that has changed in my life since then! This time last winter I was 9 months pregnant, uncomfortably awaiting the arrival of Evan Michael. He was born a week early on December 15th, and came into the world gently & quietly. He was the best Christmas gift I could ever have hoped for! I am most thankful this holiday for the blessing that is my amazing son! God is gracious.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Yesterday  the weather was so gorgeous and I was really in the mood to ride! Evan played with Grandmom Eldredge for awhile while I had some fun with my girl. I've been trying to come up with a new name for her, since she's just too sweet to be called "Sassy"! I finally have settled on Cassidy. It's a good country girl name, I think. Joel was watching me ride during his lunch break and took this picture. He's so good to support me in what I love to do!

OK Trip

Last weekend we made the trip to OK for a visit with Joel's sister, Susie, and her family there.

Evan loved staying in a hotel for two nights!

Introducing my new niece, Annaleah Faith Tyler.

She's such a good, sweet baby.

Proud Uncle Joel.

At one month, she's already rolling over a lot!

Susie with her husband, Ashton, and baby Anna. They're such a cute little family!

I've missed my sister so much - it was wonderful to catch up & hang out with her and Ashton. They're a very fun-loving couple!

Praising God for good weather during our visit!