Tuesday, October 12, 2010

The Very First

Hello everyone!
I finally got around to starting my new blog. :) I figured that since I just got married and moved into a new home, this would be a good time to begin! I am pretty random with blogging... you'll get pictures, quotes, stories of life, and side notes you'll wonder why I'm willing to share. Please leave comments when you feel compelled, because they encourage me to post more since I know someone is paying attention. :) Also let me know if you are getting bored and need a picture marathon or something!
My blog is a place for me to get out my thoughts and share little joys (or sorrows) from everyday life... I hope you enjoy. 
Much Love,
* ashley eldredge *


  1. Ashy Eldredge, I was seriously this close (pinches fingers together) to asking you to start a new blog with Joely!!! You are awesome:) I can't wait for more pictures and posts!!

    Love the title;)
    Love you!!


  2. Ash, I told you to start one!On the day of the wedding, remember?! lol love you! ~Jenny
