Sunday, January 9, 2011


Hi everyone!
I would really appreciate your prayers as I go in for a doctor appointment tomorrow morning. (Early, like, we're talking before nine o'clock early.) I was never technically diagnosed with Mono; it was just assumed that I surely had it since my dear husband does! So tomorrow they will probably do a blood test to make sure that I do indeed have Mono. And, they will also more than likely test me for Strep Throat, since mine's been hurting and got worse over the weekend.
We're just praying that after tomorrow I will get either an antibiotic to help me start getting better, or just an official "doctor's orders" to keep resting as much as possible and kick the Mono!
I will post an update by tomorrow evening and let you know how it goes. :) Thank you so much!
Much Love,
ashley e.

1 comment:

  1. praying for you, Ashley... hope you start feeling better soon!
