Monday, March 14, 2011

I am happy to report....

Happy Monday, Everyone!
I just got back from the doctor appointment (finally got to see MY doctor!) and thought ya'll might appreciate a little update. :) Thank you very much for your encouragement and prayers... where would we be without friends and family?! It's so good to feel loved!
So, I do have bronchitis... but it's not the type that is treated with antibiotics. Basically the last three weeks of "treatment" have been for nothing other than to kill off the good stuff that my body had to fight off this cold. :-( I do have a lot of allergy symptoms, so the doctor told me to start taking a generic form of Zyrtec (an over the counter allergy medicine). I'm also starting on Robitussin DM to help dry up all the mucus and keep me from coughing so much. And for my personal comfort, she also gave me a mild inhaler to ease my breathing at night! =) Hopefully I'll be feeling more like myself before long!
Joel is doing well. =) I just love him so much - he has been very patient while I've been sick! He's recently gotten excited about working out at the Centre, and puts me to shame when it comes to jogging. We definitely have fun going to the gym together! The past few weeks he's been doing a lot of house planning, and I think he's almost finished drawing up the official plans. He's so excited to move out to the farm! (I am too!!)
Also, I have to say that I am really loving this new job at Shadowood! :D I've worked three days so far, and there's not a thing I don't like. My favorite part? I get to bring my own dogs to work and give them baths for free!
Wow, that's all for now! I need to get a move on making dinner before Joel gets home. =) I absolutely love being married, by the way!
Love you all.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear that all is well. Love ya sis,and have a good week. When I start to have cash coming in (hopefully when the grass grows) I'll cook you and Joel dinner. :)
