Tuesday, August 16, 2011

New School Year

A new school year is beginning! I still find it a little strange that I do not have to go back to school, and that this year will instead bring me a brand new baby boy. Still getting used to that concept!
But speaking of boys.... I am very excited that this school year I'll be going out to my parents' house twice a week to do schoolwork and games with my sweet little brothers, David & John! David already pretty much knows how to read, and Johnny is swift on his tail, ready to start his own education! :) It's great that he's so enthusiastic, because I'm a little out of practice on schooling my younger siblings. But I am really looking forward to spending some one-on-one time with my "baby" brothers!
I'll keep posting on our progress through the fall and will have many funny stories to tell, I'm sure.
Praise the Lord today for this nice weather we've been having!! Let Him know how much you appreciate His handiwork!

1 comment:

  1. Hey, maybe I'll get a chance to see you a little more often. :) I just posted our girls trip on my blog. You should check it out. :) Love you!
