I got to spend the entire day with my sweet, amazing husband today!! :D Well, there was about an hour in the afternoon when he was workin' out in the HOT barn, and I decided to stay sitting in front of our little air-conditioner... but since I'm almost 5 months pregnant I think you can all understand!
We went on a long walk and did some exploring this morning before the heat was too overwhelming, and then ate a lunch of leftovers while watching "The Sorcerer's Apprentice" (an interesting movie that I haven't formed a definite opinion of yet). In the afternoon Joel worked on some house projects while I gave one of our Shih-Tzus, Molly, a bath. She's living in the house now, and we're trying to clear up her "hot spots" - she has weak immune and digestive systems which cause her to also have skin irritation. So far she's the perfect sweetie and hasn't had a single accident! :) Anyway, after all that we cleaned up a bit and headed to town. Joel really needed a new pair of tennis shoes, so we hit up the Payless summer sale (with success)! For dinner we treated ourselves to a super good meal at Colton's!! I love it when we find that we've stuck to the budget and actually end up having a little extra "fun" money! What date night would be complete without a trip to Wal-Mart?? And in our case, we just have to go walk around Family Center as well... it's like our mall and we could spend a long time and way too much money in that store.
Now the hubby is outside spreading bug killer all over our yard in an attempt to get rid of the seed ticks that have been causing us so much irritation lately! I am once again enjoying the air conditioning, and Molly is happily resting in the new bed we bought her tonight. :) Life is good...
... Our God is great, and to be glorified.
Have a wonderful weekend, everybody!
- Farm Girl