My kind, sweet husband's post must have caught several people's attention, because I've had some very caring phone calls and I know lots of prayers have been going up! Thank you all very much - I feel blessed.
I got sick over the weekend with some nasty flu virus, and because I'm pregnant it's taking me a bit longer than usual to recover! But I am feeling somewhat better today, and last night I was able to sit in on my shower down at Mom Eldredge's house. Joel helped me open gifts, and it was a nice time of blessings from precious women on my pregnancy and little Evan! God is always good, even in the midst of hard times.
One of the verses that was shared last evening especially caught my heart and made me think about the way that I've been acting through these last few weeks of carrying our son.
"Let us not become weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."
I think I kinda mixed versions there, and I don't know the reference off the top of my head.... but you get the meaning! =) I guess I've never thought of how that verse applies to me right now during pregnancy. Surrendering my whole body to God for the purpose of nurturing and carrying the child He's created are my "well-doing" for this season of life. And He has a wonderful, beyond amazing gift for me at the end - a one of a kind, my very own, precious baby boy! But even if there wasn't the promise of a baby at the end... I have to trust that in God's right time, I would be rewarded for standing strong and completing the task He has placed before me.
It is very discouraging (and honestly, depressing) to be so sick while almost 9 months pregnant! But "my God will supply all my needs, according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus". Glorious - one of my favorite words! It's used to describe the way that He will care for me during the sad times, as well as the times of rejoicing.
I would definitely appreciate your continued prayers for the next 5 weeks as I run the "home stretch" of carrying little Evan! Mostly, I would ask that you pray for God's protection against sickness so that I can be strong and healthy going into labor.